Winterization Evaluation Key Elements
Here are some key elements you might consider including in the inspection program:
1. Roof and Gutter Inspection
· Check for Roof Damage: Inspect for loose or damaged shingles, tiles, or flashing that could lead to leaks when snow or ice accumulates.
· Gutter Inspection: Ensure gutters and downspouts are clear of debris to prevent ice dams and water backup.
2. Insulation and Attic Ventilation
· Attic Inspection: Check insulation levels to ensure heat is not escaping from the house, which can lead to higher energy bills.
· Ventilation Assessment: Proper attic ventilation can prevent ice dams and reduce moisture buildup.
3. Window and Door Sealing
· Seal Gaps: Inspect for drafts around windows and doors, and recommend weather stripping or caulking as needed to prevent heat loss.
· Glass Inspection: Check for cracked or broken window panes, especially if double or triple-paned windows are installed.
4. Plumbing System Check
· Pipe Insulation: Inspect exposed pipes and recommend insulation to prevent freezing and bursting in cold weather.
· Outdoor Faucets: Ensure all outdoor faucets are properly winterized, such as by shutting off water supply and draining hoses.
5. Swamp Cooler Inspection
6. Exterior Wall and Foundation Inspection
· Cracks and Gaps: Look for cracks in walls or foundations that could allow cold air or pests to enter. Recommend sealing these with appropriate materials.
· Siding and Masonry: Inspect exterior walls, siding, and masonry for damage or wear that could lead to heat loss or moisture infiltration.
7. Snow and Ice Safety
· Ice Dam Prevention: Discuss roof heating cables or snow guards to prevent ice dams from forming.
· Pathway Safety: Check exterior steps, decks, and walkways for stability and recommend de-icing solutions or repairs to prevent slip hazards.
9. Energy Efficiency Evaluation
· Energy Audit: Offer an assessment of the home’s energy efficiency, including possible upgrades like window insulation kits, storm doors, or smart thermostats.
This service could also include a detailed report outlining recommended repairs or improvements, and you could offer follow-up services for any necessary work.